Diabetes & CVD: A Global Analysis

Over a three week period in December 2018 and January 2019 the chairs of the Roadmap on the prevention of CVD among people with diabetes, Laurence Sperling and Nam Cho, reached out to WHF and IDF members to collect important information on the burden of these related disease areas.

This collaborative effort has been an essential milestone in the development of a Global Roadmap that will outline an ideal pathway of care, present key barriers and potential solutions that are context bound. This first effort in reaching out to members touched by these disease areas has informed and supported the actions taken by an expert writing group in developing a first draft of these core areas of this Roadmap document. An overwhelming 161 responses were collected from over 60 countries and the results of this survey were used to form the basis of all discussions that took place in an Expert Writing Group meeting in Atlanta in January 2019.

It is now intended that the most recent information is shared again with WHF members through a second survey round, so that members once again have the opportunity to contribute their CVD & diabetes stories, challenges faced in delivering patient care and a path towards improved prospects for the future of this growing disease epidemic.